I gave into exhaustion last night and went to sleep when the clock still read PM. This in turn had me awake earlier than normal. I grabbed my laptop and started writing before the coffee kicked in. This lead to a post that will have to be taken down in the next month or so. It is a personal rant about the integrity of a writer and selling out for the sake of selling at all. Restaurant owners face this dilemma with discount sites like Groupon or Restaurant.com everyday. If you are a writer, there is another Faustian deal just waiting for you to sign on the dotted line.
This post explains how writers are tempted to sell their souls. I share a behind the scenes peek at the creation of a book. I give away one of the huge announcements that are coming up on this blog. There is also the biggest (and probably the last) temporary price reduction on my book. Today I am being really honest with you and going on sale before selling out.
Read More http://hospitalityformula.com/the-writers-dilemma/03/